Friday, May 15, 2009

Its been a while.

Its been quite some time since I have wrote an update for my blog, not that I have been ignoring the blog, its just that i haven’t had much time for blogging.

Since my last blog, I have finished college, which is great its nice to be finally done, but I sure will miss the friends at the college, hopefully we can all meet up again sometime.

I start work Tuesday with CBCL Consulting Engineers Ltd. I can’t wait to start it seems like a great job, and with 4 job offers it really took some consideration before I took this one, I think its the right choice.

I just got back from my Volunteer Trip to New Orleans with Global Design Studio, and i couldn’t ask for a better trip, it was excellent and made some really good friends which I will never forget.

Our group consisting for 2 Civil Engineering Technologists, 10 Students from the College of the North Atlantic (7 Civil Engineering Tech, 2 Geomatics Eng. Tech, and 1 Journalism) as well as 4 factuality members.

The trip gave us the opportunity to complete some hands on projects in Broadmoor, we partnered with the Broadmoor Development Corporation to complete sidewalk replacement projects at the community playground, and a local residents home, as well as a redesign and recapping of the parking lot of the Annunciation Mission, and floor slab in the basement. Along with these projects we also surveyed many areas of the the community, and a documentary on our trip is in the process of being completed. 

The trip was excellent, we done a lot of work but had a lot of fun to, we took in Jazz Fest, swamp tour, zoo/aquarium, city tours and of course bourbon street.

I hope to be able to blog much more in the coming weeks

