Sunday, December 7, 2008

New Orleans Thursday to Sunday

Thursday we started with some surveying around the library area, for our project, we then headed to the lower ninth, with Gennie, a women from the mission, she showed us the area and the utter devastation, this was the area she lived in before Katrina, and you could tell it was quite emotional for her. we presented all the volunteers at the mission with gifts, lapel pins, flags, and other items. We then presented the mission with a large Newfoundland flag which is hung proudly in the main hall. we stayed around the mission for a while, and ate some jumbelia, and went to walmart.

Friday we spend preparing reports for hal, and the BIA, and helped move some beds, and desks at the mission. We then presented our work to hal, and discussed the project for may which i hope i will be able to be a part, and katrina memorial, one brass plug set in concrete for every victim. I think this idea would be really cool, plus there is not a katrina memorial in place anywhere yet, it would be the first, and way to as hal put it "stick it to the government" because they have done nothing for the area.

We left the mission, and headed downtown to magazine street to our hotel "the country inn and suites" really nice place, pool and all.

Shortly after checking in we headed down to the riverwalk mall, got a bite to eat, and had a look around. Me and brent picked up a few beers, and hit up bourbon street, wicket time, got in most bars, and got a good drunk on, the hand gernade is the best drink ever.

Saturday, we checked out the aquarium, and the imax therater, shoped jackson square, and the french quater, went for a swim.

The 4 of us went down on bourbon for a little while and had a look around, a few drinks and headed to bed.

Today we went out to brunch at murials, a jazz resturart, really nice place, then we walked around the area again, we and brent took the free ferry across to algeries, and looked around, then looked around the area, and went back to the hotel, for a swim and ordered so supper. we lazyed around for the night, packing up now back to the rock tommorow.

pictures going on facebook asap.
