Friday, November 7, 2008

Long Weekend

I am off school until Wednesday now, finally a break, just finished mid-terms yesterday. Hoping I done well. Things are getting so busy with school lately, all the classes are fairly busy, a fair amount of work to complete.

Lately we have been doing alot of work with the New Orleans mission, On Nov. 30th I will be leaving with a group consisting of some friends from my class, as well as instructors and college officials. To head to New Orleans to volunteer with the Annunciation Mission, as well as the Broadmoor Development Corporation, to assist with the rebuilding following Hurricane Katrina in August 2005.

As of right on the plan is to redesign the area around a local school, The Andrew Wilison Charter School. It is located in the Broadmoor Community in the heart of New Orleans, this area was under 8-10ft of water when the leves broke, and was completely destoryed, the school has since reopened, but the area around the school is still in bad shape. We will be desiging a new parking lot, at a near by site, and adding some green space.

This mission is a part of "global desgin studio" a group that enables students to design and network with officals eleswhere in the world, it is currently being used by the College of The North Atlantic, IUPUI in Indiana, and a university in Indinousa.

I can't wait for the trip, it is going to be a eye opener to the damge a hurricane can cause, being from Newfoundland, we rearly see extreme weather, and when we do the most we get is a post tropical storm. Although this trip is mainly for work in the community, we will be surveying the area, and doing any other jobs that needs to be done, such as drywall, paint, concrete work etc. we have 3 days to enjoy the city. Football games, french quater, boat tours, and brouben street are some of our plans.

There is a opportunity coming up for work in indianpolis as well, hopfully i can luck into someting there to be able to visit and family there.
