Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Wow! Stressed.

Wow, I am finally taking a break, this week is going to be the most stressful busy week of my life.

Today I had class at 8:30, a test at 9;30 and another class at 10:30, then i had to work on a project until 1:00, when i had a meeting about New Orleans and some surveying practice, but the equipment was down so never got much done with that, then I had a meeting with Calvin Peach MHA, to get some freebies to give out in New Orleans, he gave me flags (big and small) as well as Lapel Pins to give out to people in New Orleans. after that meeting i grabed a bit to eat and a bit of gas for the car and headed back to school to work on the project again, I came home around 6 and havn't stoped with homework since.

This week is going to be so busy because i got to get everyhting done for friday because we leave for New Orleans on Sunday, i got 2 assignments, a major lab report, test, and tech thesis work, on top of Meetings and surveying Practice for New Orleans.

For those of you who enjoy the wonders of AM radio I'll be on CBC radio tommorow morning talking about the New Orleans mission.

I have 3 lots of physics lab to correct for the College before friday as well, and on Friday we have our Civil Christmas Dinner, which is going to be a good feed, at our Coordinator Darlene's house, can't wait. Mom and Dad are comming in Saturday to do a few things and bring me to the airport Sunday Morning, hoping to be able to blog the entire trip. Soo excited for it. Less then 5 days now.

Anyway I must get back to studying and writing reports, hope to find time for more blogs this week but i think it may be tight.
