Sunday, November 9, 2008

Old Pictures Of Norman's Cove

So I am just back form the weekly flea-market at the mall, here in St. John's. I heard of a guy selling old pictures there, and apparently there was old pictures of Norman's Cove, my hometown. I went over to check it out and sure enough he was there, with 6 pictures of Norman's Cove, he said that he has more and should have them in by next week, i picked up the six that were there, and it only cost $15.00, he sells his prints for 2 for $5.00, which I found rather cheap, below are the pictures, most of these are common pictures that i have seen before but i have never had access to get my know copy.

The picture above is of Smith's Wraft, no longer existent, this was on the lower side of the beach near the trail that goes up by Smith's Snacks.

This picture is also of Smith's Wraft, this one is looking in the other way from the trail.

This picture is also of Smith's Wraft, very similar to the above picture except its a little larger area.

This picture is of Norman's Cove Beach, much different from today.

This picture is of fish drying on Norman's Cove beach, this is that rock island on the lower side of the beach near Smith's Wraft, you can see the flakes built across to the island.

The Last picture is of Smith's Wraft taken in the area of Randy Bennett's looking down at the area.

These pictures show how much the area has changed. Hope you enjoy.



Erica said...

Thanks for posting these pictures. They are beautiful.

Corey said...

I think were going to get them copied and send them to your mom. Theres another 4 or five that they're getting me, i'll buy them next week.