Sunday, November 9, 2008


Just finished a wonderful turkey dinner, thanks to dad for the great job cooking it. Just getting my stuff ready now, and heading back to St. John's for the night, electrocardiogram in the morning, the last of my tests to find out if I have heart trouble, all is good so far, my cholesterol is a little high but that is it. Hopefully the rest turns out the same.

I should be back in the Cove, sometime tomorrow. Remembrance Day ceremony at the local war memorial then back to town on Tuesday.

The following is a video I made of a humpback whale, in my community over the past summer, the whale came very close the beach, about 10ft from shore at times, and came very close to grounding its self, although whales are common in are area, to come this close to shore is rare. The video and pictures are taken at Norman's Cove beach in Newfoundland.


Erica said...

You're a very good blogger. I'm surprised you've never done this before. : ) I didn't realize you were getting your health checked out, but it's a good thing you with with your parents and all. It's good to know in advance if you have something to look out for. Hey. I love you. Be healthy.

Corey said...

Yah, i am getting it all checked out, just making sure theres nothign going on the shouldn't be.